Doncaster HomeChoice is a Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme where you can apply for and bid on a home to rent. We advertise council and housing association properties on the Doncaster HomeChoice portal, where more information about any homes you are eligible for is available when you log in. The bidding cycle runs weekly from 5pm Wednesday and closes 11.59pm Sunday. You can place bids on available properties within this time.
With 8,763 new applications per year, averaging 730 per month
Average 71 per month
From November 2023 to May 2024
From November 2023 to April 2024
There is significantly more demand for housing than homes available.
All empty properties are advertised according to Doncaster Council's Housing Policy. Properties are let on a priority basis meaning that properties will be let to people with the highest needs first.
If you are in a non priority band it is unlikely you will be rehoused, unless you are an older person needing a bungalow or flat.
If you are focused on a particular property type or specific location, you can expect the waiting time to be longer, even if you have a priority.
It is a good idea to explore all options available to you.
Some Housing Associations advertise vacant properties through Doncaster HomeChoice and also hold their own waiting list. We would encourage you to contact them to discuss your housing needs.
Private renting is a realistic alternative to social housing. You would have more flexibility on the area you wish to live. There are many resources to try and help you maintain a tenancy. For more information click here.
To apply with Doncaster HomeChoice you must have a local connection to Doncaster, meaning you have at least one of the following:
Unless you have come to the borough under special circumstances, or have been assessed as homeless.
If you have rent arrears over eight weeks, you might not be successful. You should make re-payment plans before applying.
Some applicants are not eligible or do not qualify to join the housing register. This is if you:
Where we have reason to believe that an applicant has deliberately worsened their circumstances to get housing priority, their application might be suspended whilst we investigate. If our investigation cannot show deliberate intent, we will reinstate their priority from their original effective/registration date.
Any applicant who has deliberately worsened their circumstances will not be awarded additional priority however, we also reserve the right to cancel their application.
Some properties have a Local Letting Policy, meaning there are restrictions on who is eligible to rent them. This might mean you must have no criminal record or be in paid work or have close family member living in a defined area boundary. Each local letting policy differs depending on the area.
If you come on top of the bids but you are ineligible, the officers will move to the next applicant. If you are not eligible, you will not be made an offer for the property.
New build council homes are subject to a local lettings policy on first let and within 12 months of first let.
Below, you can find a list of all local lettings policies in Doncaster.
Medical Housing Need
If you have a physical, sensory or mental health condition which means you cannot manage in your home and are unable to resolve your situation, you can apply for medical priority by completing our Medical Self-Assessment.
Alongside the medical form, you will need to provide:
The assessment may be over the telephone, or a home visit by the Occupational Therapist to further assess your needs. If you are a current St Leger tenant, you will be assessed by our Occupational Therapist. Applicants who are homeowners or tenants of other housing associations or landlords will be referred to City of Doncaster Council for further assessment, as will children.
If you are assessed as needing a certain property type, this might limit your chances of being re-housed as is dependent on availability in your areas of choice.
Applicants living outside of Doncaster
If you currently live outside the City of Doncaster and have a medical need for rehousing, you will need to provide supporting information to us. If you need an adapted property including a level access shower or wet room, you will need to contact your local authority to request an Occupational Therapist Assessment for rehousing to Doncaster. This needs to include whether you need:
You should provide us with copy of your Occupational Therapist’s report once completed. We will be unable to assess you medically until a copy of your assessment has been received.
Adapted properties
We advertise some adapted properties depending on their facilities - please ensure you read the full details page on the advert before you bid to make sure the adaptations will be suitable for you.
Please note we will not be able to offer a property to you if it is deemed unsuitable for your assessed needs.
If you are assessed by an Occupational Therapist as needing a property with adaptations you may be placed onto City of Doncaster Council’s Accessible Housing Register (AHR), where you will be considered with other identified applicants for adapted properties which meet your needs in your area of choice. Adapted properties will be advertised with priority to AHR nominations and have a reserved bidding list.
Please note, if you are placed on the AHR, you may be advised that you do not need to bid on properties advertised.
Although both Doncaster HomeChoice and Housing Options work under StLegerHomes, they are two different teams.
HomeChoice deals with advertising and allocating council and housing association properties, whereas Housing Options can offer support for individuals facing homelessness.
If you are at threat, or facing, homelessness you should contact Housing Options first. Please press here for more information.
If you apply to the housing register due to disrepair in your home, e.g. faulty wiring or lack of heating, you will need to provide details which we will send over to the City of Doncaster Council's Housing Enforcement. They will then work with you and your landlord to resolve them.
If the Housing Enforcement Team declares the property as Category 1 Hazard and confirms this with us, only then will Gold banding be awarded. Properties of different category hazards will not be awarded a priority banding.
As part of an overcrowding assessment, you will need to provide proof of residence of all household members and information about the size of your property etc.
After we have completed the assessment, if you are classed as overcrowded only then can we award priority banding. If overcrowding cannot be proven then priority will not be given.