Policing agreements

There are three 20-year agreements that allow the RCMP to act as British Columbia's provincial police force as well as the municipal force for municipalities with RCMP services. The agreements came into effect in 2012.

The first two agreements are between the federal and provincial governments, while the third is between the province and individual municipalities:

The Companion Document assists with administering and interpreting the Provincial Police Services Agreement (PPSA) and does not form part of the PPSA.

Framework and Tripartite Agreements for First Nations Community Policing

The 2014 Framework Agreement for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and First Nations Community Police Service (FNCPS) allows Canada, British Columbia, a First Nation community or a group of First Nations communities to enter a Community Tripartite Agreement for RCMP First Nations Community Policing Service. The tripartite agreement lays-out a funding formula.

More information is available in First Nations Policing.